Sometimes our hair takes the concept of free fall too seriously. ☺
Your hair is your crowning glory and reflects your style and personality.
The hair to most women goes beyond just strands of fiber, it defines their personality, which is why most women become freaked out whenever they experience hair loss.
As a hairstylist for many years, I have seen several cases of hair loss in both men and women, with men having the highest number of cases but the psychological effects are much more predominant in women.
Typically, more than 100,000 strands of hair are growing on your scalp with each hair having its life-cycle. However, it is normal to lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair every day to either your hairbrush, during shampooing and many other activities.
Causes of Hair Loss
Several conditions can cause hair loss like what you eat, your lifestyle choices, ageing, stress and so on.
“Invest in your hair. You wear it every day.” - Unknown
Avoid Crash Diets
Crash diets are associated with a lot of risks and the truth is shedding a few extra pounds using extreme methods can also cause hair loss.
All stages of hair development are affected by dietary changes which will make the hair grow at a slower rate. The absence of some nutrients can also prevent the development of new hairs during the resting phase. This implies that as soon as the rested hair has fallen off, the new hair that will replace it won't be available.
A condition known as Telogen Effluvium can be caused as a result of physical stress that is exerted on the body due to crash dieting. This makes the follicles of the hair enter the resting phase very quickly, which implies that the hair that will replace them has not been fully developed.
The best method of treating hair loss resulting from crash diets is to eliminate the trigger. You don’t have to deprive your body of the required nutrients and protein. You can achieve great weight loss results without causing any damage to your body by creating and sticking to a healthy diet plan, working out and consuming the right foods in proportion. And then, take hair supplements to revitalize the dominant hair follicles.
After handling the issue of crash dieting that results in the loss of your hair, your hair should begin to grow back within 3 to 6 months. In some cases, the rate of hair loss will just reduce but not completely.
“Our diet is like a bank account. Choosing good food is a good investment.” - Bethenny Frankel
Nutritional Deficiencies
The link between nutrition and hair loss is a bit complicated as too much or too little of certain nutrients are linked to hair loss.
Historians have also observed the connection between poverty and hair thinning, but were able to better deduce the impact of food choices on hair loss as a result of access to 20th-century technological advancements. Today, several studies have connected nutrient and vitamin deficiencies to a series of hair loss disorders and most of the discoveries from these studies are from individuals lacking good nutrition. Without any doubt, diet is linked to hair loss. Nutrition will determine the ability of the individual to grow hair.
Below are some deficiencies that reveal the link between nutrition and hair loss:
• Vitamin A deficiency is connected to Phrynoderma which is a condition where too much protein is produced by hair follicles that could result in hair thinning and skin bumps.
• Selenium deficiency is linked to changes in the skin and hair pigment as well as hair loss on the scalp.
• Iron deficiency is linked to the diffusion of hair loss that is very common in women.
• Zinc deficiency is linked to patchy or diffuse hair loss through the scalp.
• Vitamin B complex deficiency such as B-12, B-7, B-6, B-2, and B-3 are all connected to hair disorders in women.
• Fatty acid deficiency is connected to diffuse scalping, hair loss in the eyebrow and hair lightening.
Fish, eggs, meat, seeds, nuts, leafy greens, and whole grains are excellent sources of zinc and iron. These foods are also rich in vitamin B3 and biotin (vitamin B7) that can also be discovered in organ meats and egg yolks. Whole grains, leafy greens, vegetables, and nuts are very rich in fatty acids as are Chia seeds, walnuts, and soy nuts. Some supplements are also good for preventing hair loss as they are made up of the nutrients listed above and are very good at limiting the hair loss of individuals with known deficiencies.
Stress causes hair loss far more than most individuals realize.
Types of hair loss that are connected to stress are alopecia areata (hair loss in specific regions), trichotillomania (pulling of the hair), Telogen Effluvium (severe hair shedding) and Androgenic alopecia (thinning of the hair).
The most ideal way of improving hair loss related to stress is to find an effective stress management technique and lower the stress level. A balanced mind is very beneficial for well-being in general.
Don't Freak Out....
The loss of hair every day is very common as most individuals lose about 100 hairs daily, but when hair is lost more than the usual, it may be caused by an underlying factor and it is recommended to seek the help of a hair specialist for the best treatment option.
Along with proper diet, nutrition and reduction of stress, you need health supplements to revitalize your hair.